
snake introduction Learn more about snake introduction

  • Introduction of serpent breeding snakes

    Introduction of serpent breeding snakes

    The quality of snake introduction is related to the survival rate and production capacity of snakes. The acquisition of snake species can be approved by the relevant management departments to catch snakes in the wild, and it is necessary to introduce species of snakes if local snake resources are scarce. 1. The best season for introduction is in spring and autumn.

    2020-11-08 Breeding snake breeding snake introduction good or bad
  • The introduction of snakes

    The introduction of snakes

    The quality of snake introduction is related to the survival rate and production capacity of snakes. The acquisition of snake species can be approved by the relevant management departments to catch snakes in the wild, and it is necessary to introduce species of snakes if local snake resources are scarce. 1. The best season for introduction is that the weather is suitable in spring and autumn, and the breeding can enter the spawning or breeding period soon after introduction, which is especially suitable for beginners. Autumn is also a good season for introduction, because it is neither too cold nor too hot, and it is a peak season for snakes to hunt.

  • When is the best time to introduce snakes? What are the suitable locations? How do I buy it?

    When is the best time to introduce snakes? What are the suitable locations? How do I buy it?

    Raising snakes should be introduced first. The quality of snakes is related to the survival rate and production capacity of snakes. The acquisition of snake species can be approved by the relevant management departments to catch snakes in the wild, and it is necessary to introduce species of snakes if local snake resources are scarce. So when is the best time to introduce snakes? Suitable

    2020-11-11 Raising snakes when introduction the best suitable location there are
  • Technical guide for raising snakes: does raising snakes make money? How to introduce snakes?

    Technical guide for raising snakes: does raising snakes make money? How to introduce snakes?

    Do you make money by raising snakes? Generally speaking, if the breeding is good, it is very profitable. No matter what kind of animal we raise, we have to introduce it. Let's find out how to introduce the snake. 1. The best season for introduction is in spring and autumn. Autumn is a good season for introduction, because autumn

    2019-02-10 Raising snakes technical guidance making money snakes introduction how do
  • Snake: introduction to the four Seasons Management method of Snake Farm

    Snake: introduction to the four Seasons Management method of Snake Farm

    Snakes are variable temperature animals, and their body temperature changes with the rise and fall of ambient temperature. managing the snake farm can ensure the normal growth and reproduction of snakes and improve the yield and quality of snakes. 1. Spring management work (February to April) the introduction of snakes in spring is generally the most suitable, there is no need to worry about the weather being too cold or too hot during transportation, and the farm will soon enter the spawning period. Before introducing the snake into the snake farm, you should clean up in advance and do a good job of cleaning and disinfection. The newly stung snake basically did not eat for the first two or three weeks, but did not begin until April.

  • A brief introduction to the prevention and treatment of snake abscess

    A brief introduction to the prevention and treatment of snake abscess

    Snake abscess is caused by infection of snake trauma. After the snake suffers from abscess, the wound swells and fester. When abscesses and ulcers expand to a regular level, or when the snake cannot shed its skin due to abscess or ulceration, it can also cause the death of the snake. The abscess disease of snakes is often caused by wounds on the snakes, such as wounds caused by snakes bitten each other, injuries and abrasions caused by snake cages in the process of transporting snakes, and possible wounds caused by pulling out snake mites from snakes, such as these wounds can not be treated in time.

  • Introduction to the Prospect of Snake

    Introduction to the Prospect of Snake

    Because snakes have important economic value, many people start to make a living as a professional snake catcher under the direct drive of interests, so as to obtain huge economic benefits. Therefore, it is suggested that the relevant departments should severely crack down on and resolutely stop such destructive and predatory illegal acts. In order to reduce the sharp decline in the number of natural populations of wild snakes, in order to prevent serious damage to the ecological environment, resulting in greater losses to future generations. Therefore, active and effective protection measures should be taken to promote the rejuvenation and expansion of snake populations and restore what is necessary for human beings as soon as possible.

  • Snake species-A brief introduction to the five-step snake

    Snake species-A brief introduction to the five-step snake

    Five-step snake alias money White Snake, Silver Ring Snake, Little White Snake, White Snake, Baijie Snake. It belongs to the family Cobra, phylum Vertebrate. The snake is small and round, with the head in the center and the tail in the mouth, shaped like the size of ancient copper coins, hence the name "money Baihua Snake". The snakehead is slightly thicker than the body, oblong and round, dark brown. There is a raised ridge on the back, the whole body is composed of black-brown and white fine pieces, the dark-brown section is wide, with 45 to 60 nodes, and the abdomen is gray-white or yellowish-white, dark-brown.

  • Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    The dried snake of traditional Chinese medicine is a dry body made by removing intestines and other internal organs after laparotomy. The processing method of dried adult snakes is as follows: after being caught by a medicinal snake, it is killed or burned to death in boiling water, then step on the head and neck of the snake with its feet, hold the tail of the snake in one hand, and cut the skin from the head and neck with small round head scissors in the other hand, separate the snake skin from the snake meat by the neck, cut the snake skin, and pull the skin down to the anus to cut the snake skin. The snake meat is centered on the head, rolled into a disc, and its tail is inserted into the last circle.

  • Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Snake is a warm and cold-blooded animal, and it is also one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. It is generally divided into non-poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes. Some poisonous snakes can secrete venom and poison people or animals who have been bitten. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes in the world. Here are the top ten venomous snakes in the world.

    2020-11-11 World Top Ten Viper list introduction Snake Yes temperature change Animals
  • Introduction and control of leaf miner, an insect pest of snake melon

    Introduction and control of leaf miner, an insect pest of snake melon

    Snake melon annual climbing vines; stems slender, much branched, longitudinally angled and grooved, pubescent and sparsely villous hirsute. Snake melon has well-developed roots, many lateral roots, adventitious roots, slender stems, up to 5-8 meters long, five-angled, green stems and strong branching ability.

    2020-11-08 Snake melon insect pests minced leaves flies introduction and control snake melon
  • Wang Jinshe

    Wang Jinshe

    Species introduction: Wang Jin snake has many advantages, such as large body, cold resistance, strong adaptability, fast growth, short feeding cycle, easy to raise and hatch, and so on. Many snake farms or snake farmers, especially in the northern provinces and regions, mostly take it as the object of raising non-poisonous snakes. Wang Jinhe, also known as cauliflower snake, king snake, snake king, smelly yellow jaws and so on. It is the fastest growing and larger snake among the non-venomous snakes (except pythons). It lives in mountains, plains and hills, and moves along rivers, ponds, reservoir areas and other places near the water.

  • What kind of snake is the seven-step snake?

    What kind of snake is the seven-step snake?

    Many people have heard that the seven-step snake is very poisonous, and it is dangerous to walk seven steps after the bite. Although it is not as poisonous as the legend, if you are not treated in time after being bitten by the seven-step snake, you will lose your life seriously and ask for the risk of amputation. that,

    2020-11-11 Seven steps snake what is a lot of people have heard that seven steps snakes special
  • How to get Snake species by artificial Snake breeding

    How to get Snake species by artificial Snake breeding

    How to get Snake species by artificial Snake breeding

  • Introduction to snake shaped Lei Zhu varieties

    Introduction to snake shaped Lei Zhu varieties

    Recently, the forestry department of Lin 'an City discovered a "strange bamboo" with bent bamboo stem on Leizhu Mountain in Chongyang Village, Jincheng Street, during the investigation of Leizhu provenance. It was identified as a variety of Leizhu by Professor Fang Wei of Bamboo Department of Zhejiang Forestry College. Recently, accompanied by Jiang Changfu, the mountain owner, we made a survey on the spot, covering an area of about 10 mu and more than 2000 plants. Bamboo stems are mostly "S"-shaped, new bamboo bending more obvious than the mother bamboo, bamboo whip is also uneven. curved bamboo single axis scattered, stem height 2-6 meters, eyebrows

  • Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

    Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

    Key points of management of snake melon cultivation

  • A kind of weed that snakes fear when they see it in the mountains. It is known as Snake Fuzi, which now costs more than 100 yuan a jin to become a rare commodity.

    A kind of weed that snakes fear when they see it in the mountains. It is known as Snake Fuzi, which now costs more than 100 yuan a jin to become a rare commodity.

    Introduction: a kind of weed that snakes fear when they see it in the mountains, known as "snake aconite", now hundreds of yuan a jin into rare goods in the countryside in summer, because the field is too hot, so many snakes will try their best to get into farmers' homes.

  • The method of collecting snake venom

    The method of collecting snake venom

    There are two ways to collect snake venom: "dead mining" and "living mining". "Dead picking" is a special * destructive method to cut off venomous glands from the head of venomous snakes cut off by processing units or to anaesthetize rear trench venomous snakes and sea snakes that produce less poison, and it is only used occasionally in special circumstances. The "live mining" method is generally used in order to eat snake resources for free. The following is a brief introduction to several "live mining" methods. The method of collecting poison by ⑴ electrical stimulation uses weak electrical stimulation tools such as "acupuncture anaesthesia instrument" to stimulate the mouth of snakes with special electrodes.

  • The management points of the latest snake melon cultivation

    The management points of the latest snake melon cultivation

    Snake gourd is a climbing crop with more than one year. Its melon is very long, similar to towel gourd, but longer and thinner than towel gourd. Snake melon in the north and south of China has a certain planting area, snake melon is also a collection of ornamental, medicinal and edible crops. Snake melon can be cleared.

    2020-11-10 The latest snake melon cultivation of management key points yes one year
  • How much does a jin of snake berries cost now? Explain the planting technology in detail!

    How much does a jin of snake berries cost now? Explain the planting technology in detail!

    Snake berries, also known as bayberry, snake fruit, and snake bubble grass, are common wild fruits in hillsides, grasslands and fields. they are widely planted because the whole plant can be used as medicine, and have the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification and treating snake bites. how much does a jin of snake berries cost now? What are the planting techniques?

    2020-11-09 Now one jin snake berries probably more less money detailed explanation planting